• 正在播放理发师陶德演唱会正片


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  • 理发师陶德演唱会影评
  • 剧情介绍

This movie is a recorded performance in concert. It all begins when Benjamin Barker( George Hearn), a mysterious,quiet,and subtle barber, returns to his hometown in London after escaping from a prison in Australia with help from a young sailor named Anthony. Now Sweeney Todd, he returns to his home where he and his wife Lucie and daughter Johanna used to live. When he arrives he meets Mrs. Nellie Lovett(Patti Lupone), a lonely woman who owns a down and out pie shop, and discovers that his wife has poisoned herself and the judge that unfairly punished him is responsible and the judge also has his daughter. So then Sweeney plots his revenge on the judge and his accomplice the Beadle and with help from Mrs. Lovett he re-opens his barber shop and vows to give the judge the closest shave he will ever know and give Mrs. Lovett a tasty new ingredient for her homemade meat pies. --- (Written by Thomas )


  • HD中字坠楼死亡的剖析桑德拉·惠勒,斯万·阿劳德,米洛·马查多·格拉纳,安托万·赖纳茨,塞缪尔·泰斯,珍妮·贝丝,莎迪娅·本太耶布,卡米莉·拉瑟福德,Anne Rotger,索菲亚·菲力瑞斯,Julien Comte,Pierre-François Garel,Savannah Rol,伊利斯·卡德里,Vincent Courcelle-Labrousse,瓦吉·穆阿瓦德,萨沙·沃尔夫,阿图·阿拉里
  • 正片自助洗衣店(短片)李雪,曹晏豪
  • 正片永远不要放弃Kevin James
  • 正片监狱13堀田真由,岩井拳士朗,矢野优花,芹泽兴人,宇野祥平,伊藤麻实子,立石晴香,冈部尚,宫下加奈子,冈本智礼,近野萌子,前野朋哉,板野友美
  • HD树上有个好地方2:美术老师的放羊班王建房,杜旭光,张智,张子默,陈骊山,马银秀,冷宇轩,张新锋,高字民
  • HD弓蕉园的秘密陈妤,刘倩妏,孙绽,徐宇霆


视频更新时间:2024-03-15 16:32
剧情介绍:隆尼·普莱斯,哈罗德·普林斯导演执导的《理发师陶德演唱会》,该影片在2001年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由乔治·赫恩,Patti,LuPone,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯,Timothy,Nolen,Davis,Gaines,Lisa,Vroman,Victoria,Clark,John,Aler,Stanford,Olsen 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。

This movie is a recorded performance in concert. It all begins when Benjamin Barker( George Hearn), a mysterious,quiet,and subtle barber, returns to his hometown in London after escaping from a prison in Australia with help from a young sailor named Anthony. Now Sweeney Todd, he returns to his home where he and his wife Lucie and daughter Johanna used to live. When he arrives he meets Mrs. Nellie Lovett(Patti Lupone), a lonely woman who owns a down and out pie shop, and discovers that his wife has poisoned herself and the judge that unfairly punished him is responsible and the judge also has his daughter. So then Sweeney plots his revenge on the judge and his accomplice the Beadle and with help from Mrs. Lovett he re-opens his barber shop and vows to give the judge the closest shave he will ever know and give Mrs. Lovett a tasty new ingredient for her homemade meat pies. --- (Written by Thomas )

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